Eclipta alba / False daisy / Bhringaraj Ayurvedic Medical plant

Latin: Eclipta Alba Hassk. 
Family: Compositae

Traditional Uses: Bhringaraj is commonly used as a deobstruent to promote bile flow and to protect the liverparenchymal tissue in viral hepatitis and other conditions involving hepatic enlargement. The fresh juice of the leaves is given in the treatment of edema, fevers, liver disorders, and rheumatic joint pains; it is also used to improve the appetite and to stimulate digestion. The juice is given with honey to treat upper respiratory congestion in children. A hair oil prepared from boiling the fresh leaves with either coconut or sesame oil renders the hair black and lustrous. It is popularly used to enhance the memory and has a reputation as an antiaging agent in Ayurveda. An herbal poultice is made with sesame oil and used over glandular swellings and various skin conditions. The leaf juice is also effective when applied externally to treat minor cuts, abrasions, and burns.

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