10 signs of Introvert Personality

Are you an introvert

So, let's get started.

The most common definition of an introvert is  a person who gains energy from  being alone and loses energy in social situations with other people.
            whether you're an introvert or an extrovert it can be seen as a spectrum, and this means that there are different degrees of your personality type. "Very rarely a person is 100% an introvert or completely an extrovert we have a certain level of both sides with one personality being more dominant than the other", So how do you know if you or someone you know is an introvert. 

1. Tired from too much active time- After spending time with other people for too long you start  to shut down by feeling tired and exhausted and that's probably your way of maintaining your energy because it's getting low. 

2. Enjoy time alone- You like spending quality time alone to recharge your batteries to gain energy, for example: you get relieved when  ever your plan for Friday evening plans cancels and that means getting more time for yourself watching movies , YouTube or reading blogs like you're doing right now and you truly  enjoy it. 

3. Constant inner monologue- Instead of just saying what's on your mind out loud before you even thought it, through you think a lot before you speak every second that you're not having a conversation with another person or not busy with a task. You have a voice inside your head that is always talking, sometimes you can even practice how you're going to answer a certain question what you will say in a phone call, and there are times you've made up a discussion in your head where you practice your arguments even if there's arguments are rarely happen in real life.

4. You Write-  Introverts often express themselves best in written words, you are the most creative, and write best when you get to be completely alone with your own thoughts.

5. Obesrver-  you're a great observer as an introvert and you can get easily distracted and drained on energy when too much is going on around you. However a benefit with being highly sensitive is that you're a great observer and good at seeing details that other people may not even notice.

6. Feel alone in a crowd- Have you ever felt alone or left out while you were in the middle of a social event or group activity, even with people you know. This can be sign that you're an introvert.

7. Dislike small talk- This does not mean that introverts have a hard time talking or that they are antisocial. The reason that they don't enjoy small talk is because they don't have any need for it, they just get more drained after participating in it . Introverts see small talk as unnecessary and perhaps even a bit superficial because it just feels wrong and faked. Introverts would rather skip that part and dive directly in the deeper conversation about topic they are  actually interested in.

8. Avoid social events- You try to avoid social event as an introvert. You sometimes have to pretend to be busys, so you don't have to go to social events.     

9. Others think your are shy/lonely- People have told you to get out of your shell and stop being so shy, they try to push you to take more space and be yourself more. However, quiet does not mean shy and alone did not mean lonely. Some people tend to forget that so by reminding them of that you are an introvert you can help them to understand you and your choices more. 

10. Small friend group- You have a small group of friend instead of having a big number of friends. You choose to have few close friends that you know really well. So for you quality is more important than quantity. 

You can relate to any of these signs, if you are an introvert or if you know someone who is an introvert.

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