Believe in your dreams

We all have things that we believe for, dreams that we want to accomplish, and problems we're hoping will turn around. Maybe it's to see our family restored, or lose some weight, to break an addiction, to start our own business. But sometimes as it goes on, month after month, even year after year, we don't see anything changing. It's easy to get discouraged and think:

"This is never going to happen."

"This is as good as it gets. I'll just learn to live with it."

We all go through disappointments, setbacks, loss. Pain is a part of life. It's easy to get discouraged, even bitter, like:

"Why is this happening to me?"

Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense. The key is what we do in our times of pain. Pain will change us. Heartache, loss, disappointments. They don't leave us the same. Every painful time, even though you don't like it, it's developing something in you that can only be developed in the tough times. Eventually, that will pass. You'll get through it, but you will be different. In those tough times, when you are uncomfortable, going through a loss, dealing with an illness. You can easily let it overwhelm you. Now how the pain changes you is up to you. You can come out bitter or  you can come out better. You can come out defeated; giving up on your dreams or you can come out with a new passion, a new fire, excited about the new opportunities in front of you.
               I may not like it, but I'm not a whiner, I'm a warrior, I know I can handle this. Don't complain about the pain, without the pain we couldn't reach the fullness of our destinies. Sometimes we bring pain on ourselves: we make poor choices, get in a relationship we know it's not good or maybe get over our head in our spending. Now it's painful, we have to deal with the consequences. 
                All of us experience pain. My challenges don't just through it, grow through. That difficulty is an opportunity to get stronger, to develop character, to gain new confidence. Anybody can give up. Anybody can let it overwhelm you, but do you know what that's doing?  Wasting your pain. That pain is not there to stop you; it's there to prepare you, to increase you, to develop you. Difficulties are a part of life. Now quit telling yourself you can't take it. You're not weak, you are well able. Eventually the pain will pass. You'll get birth to new strength.  Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean that it's not going to happen.
                 There will always be forces trying to convince us to settle where we are. Life has a way of pushing our dreams down. They can become buried under discouragement, buried under past mistakes. There are dreams buried under divorce, buried under low self-esteem. It's easy to settle from mediocrity, even though we have all this potential buried on the inside. What are you remembering? The hurt, the pain, what didn't work out. Turn it around and remember you dream. 
                 Have you allowed any dreams to get buried in you? At one time, you believed you could do something great, you believed you could lead the company in sales; you believed you could break that addiction. There's been a long time. Had some bad breaks, wasn't your entire fault.  You could easily settle where you are. Nobody would fall to you. The enemy would love to deceive you into burying your dream, thinking thats never going to work out. Don't believe those lies. It's not too late to become all that you were created to be.
                 Every time you remember your dream, you're removing some dirt, you're digging it back out. The true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dream, instead of letting it get buried, you keep shaking it off. You keep moving forward. You wouldn't be having that opposition if you didn't have something great in you. If your dream wasn't alive and on track, right on schedule to come to pass, you wouldn't have so many things coming against you. That dream is still alive. You may have tried a year ago, 5 years ago or 40 years ago. Didn't work out? Nobody was there to help you? Go back and try again. This is your time. This is your moment. Your destiny is calling out to you. Can I tell you? Your dream is not dead; it's just not in season. Your time is coming, Promotion is coming, Good breaks are coming, Promises you've been standing on, Dreams you've been praying about. Lack is not your destiny. Constantly struggling, barely getting by, is not the end of your story. These light afflictions are for a moment. The adversity is temporary. The glory is eternal.
                 There are some dreams shut up in you. Like fire, you're going to feel your destiny calling out, May not happen the first time, the loan didn't go through, you didn't get chosen for the par. The medical report wasn't good, thats ok, and its still in you. This is your time. This is your moment. Shake off the doubt. Shake off the negativity. You're at the right place. You're at the right time. Now all you've got to do is get in the right frame of mind. I believe this is my year to get healthy and whole. This is my year to meet the people of my dreams. This is my year to go further in my career, to step into a new level of my destiny. This is my year to accomplish dreams, to break free from this depression. This is my year to meet the right people. This is my year to get healthy and whole .This is your year to see double. This is your year for vindication, for restoration, for new beginnings. Now gets your mind going in the right direction.

kkbhagat June 09, 2020
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If we don't learn from the hardest times in our lives, we will never be able to move past them.  If we don't learn the lesson, it’s almost certain history will repeat itself in some form. Whenever things don't go to plan, whenever life throws us challenges and hardship, there's always a hidden blessing and always a strong lesson.  it may not be our fault,  sometimes things happen that are completely out of our control,   but if we detach from the situation and look at it objectively we might be able to see an area where we could have done better,  an area where,  if we had done the ground work,  the impact would have been less damaging. Whatever happened whatever you're going through use it. Use it to develop yourself.  Use it to grow into a stronger human being.  Use it to help others who may be going through something equally as challenging.  Here are five lessons we must learn from the hardest times.

1. “Self-work, works”  during the hardest times we really see who has done the work on themselves and who hasn't.  Self-work doesn't guarantee negative things won't happen to you, but it ensures your response to those negative events will be far better than those who have not done the work.  During difficult moments it is more important than ever we react from a place of calm and clarity, not from fear or panic and that is where self-work comes in. Those who have done the daily work in meditation and mindful practice are in a better place to make better decisions; those who practice daily gratitude are in a better place to resist the surge of negative energy flowing around them.  Those who have done the work to learn and develop are far better position to make stronger moves in hard times.  If you haven't been doing that self-work, now would be a fantastic time to start. Don’t brush it off, don't sweep it under the rug if you're not in a good place right now and you haven't been doing the work that really matters.  Ask yourself if you want to continue living this way? Do you want to continue feeling these feelings throughout your life? What about the next time something happens, do you want to be in a stronger position mentally and emotionally? If so, commit to start that daily practice and commit to it today. Write down your no matter what practices. No matter what, each and every morning I will practice gratitude, meditation, reading something positive, and all the things that you know will make you a better, stronger and happier human being. Write it down now and promise yourself you will commit to it, so you never feel Low, no matter the season ever again.

2. “Some things and some people just aren't that important” hard times can be a blessing in so many ways.  One of those is noticing the things that we give too much space in our minds and emotions that were never really that important. We noticed those who are always there, those who really care and perhaps some who do not. We noticed those who make time for you no matter what and those who do not. Take a moment in silence to ask yourself, what has been consuming too much of my energy that really isn't that important.  Maybe it's time to make some changes to reduce or eliminate those things for a better quality of life.

3. “Some things and some people are that important” and we must show that we know this and appreciate this. In contrast to the previous point hard times can really jolt us into understanding what and who we really care about. Who do we turn to in hard times, who do we jump to protect, who would we do anything for no matter what storms are raging, who would do anything for us. What passions come out, what makes us better and stronger in these times, what makes us feel better no matter what is going on. These things matter, get quiet for a moment and ask you those questions. Trust the answer, maybe you need to tell those people they are important to you, that you are thankful for them. Maybe you need to make some changes in your life to lock in those things that are important. Replacing some of the things that are not.

4. “Things must change” this is a big one because during the hardest times we all know that things must change. But most people are not willing to make those changes poor habits,  fear and conditioning keeps us locked into the prison of the past, which only guarantees more of the same in the future,  nothing will change long-term unless you change everything that needs changing.  Expecting your circumstances to change when you don't is insanity.  Commit to the self-growth changes you can make to create the life, you must have commit to it now and commit to it as a daily practice. It has to be your new identity, the old you must die for the new you to be born.

5. “This too shall pass” it’s hard when you're going through stressful life-altering moments to hear this, but if you think back over your life and the lives of everyone you know, you know that everything passes.  Good times don't last forever and neither do hard times. Trust that this moment will pass, know that it will and start doing the inner work now so that no moment in time can alter your state. Do that work on you so no moment in time, no event, no circumstance can change how you feel about your life. Keep going and keep going with optimism and faith in your heart.

kkbhagat June 06, 2020
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Qutb Minar, Qutb-ud-din Aibak

आज हम बात करगे एक ऐसे इमारत के बारे में जिसे हम सदियों से एक इस्लामिक इमारत के तोर पे जानते है, पर इस इमारत को देख कर शुरु से ही इस्लामिक होने पर सवाल उठते आरहे है, हम बात कर रहे है विश्व के ऐतिहासिक धरोहरों मैं से एक क़ुतुब मीनार की, इससे UNESCO ने वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज घोषित किया है। इसके आस पास के परिसर को क़ुतुब काम्प्लेक्स कहते है, लकिन क़ुतुब मीनार की बनावट और संरचना को लेकर अक्सर विवाद होता रहे है। कहते है की दिल्ली के पहले मुस्लिम शासक क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने इससे बनवाना शुरु किया था, लकिन इसका आधार ही बनवाया था। फिर क़ुतुब-उद-दीन के उत्याधिकारी इल्तुतमिश ने इसकी  3 मंजिले बनवाई और 1369 में फ़िरोज़ शाह तुग़लक ने  पाचवी और अंतिम मंजिल बनवाई। लकिन इस इमारत की संरचना और दूसरे काम्प्लेक्स में बनी इमारतों को देखकर इसके शुरु से ही इस्लामिक होने पर सवाल उठते आये है । देखा जाये तो इसकी दीवारों पर अरबी में कुरान की आयते लिखी है, लकिन इसके पास में ही एक खंडरनुमा ढाचा है, जिसके ऊपर एक गुम्बबत बना हुआ है। लकिन इसके स्तंभ और उसके ऊपर बनी आकृतिया कुछ और ही कहानी कहती है । ऐसे स्तंभ और आकृतिया तो मंदिरों में बनाई जाती है धयान से देखा  जाये तो इसके खम्बो पर मंदिर में लगाने वाली घंटिय बनी है। पास में रखे एक पत्थर पर भगवान गणेश की प्रतिमा
जेसी आकृति भी दिखाई देती है, और ऐसा भी लगता है की इसे मिटने की भी कोशिश की गई है, लेकिन ये पूरी तरह मिट नहीं पाई और पास ही में रामायण में ज़िक्र किये गए युद्ध को दिखाया गया है। तो सवाल ये है की इस इस्लामिक काम्प्लेक्स में हिन्दू धर्म से जुडी चीजें क्यों मिल रही है ।
       ये तो बात थी क़ुतुब मीनार के आस पास के खंडरो की, लेकिन क़ुतुब मीनार की दीवारों पर भी घंटिय और जंजीर बन हुई है। ये घंटिय और जंजीरे इस काम्प्लेक्स में बनी आधूरी इमारतों की घंटियों और जंजीरों के जैसी ही दिखती है, और आप को बता दे की इस्लाम में घंटिया प्रतिबंधित होती है। मुहम्मद साहब ने कहा था की घंटी शैतान के संगीत का उपकरण है। ऐसे में सवाल उठता है की कोई भी मुस्लिम शासक ने अपने कारीगरों से घंटिय उकेरने को क्यों कहेगा।
      कहा जाता है की क़ुतुब मीनार को आजान के लिए बनाया गया था। आजान के लिए कोई इतनी उची इमारत क्यों बनवायेगा जहा चड़ने में 45 मिनट लग जाये और नचे तक आवाज़ भी न जाये क्योको 800 साल पहले तो स्पीकर भी नहीं होते थे। ऐसा माना जाता है की क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने अपना नाम अमर करने के लिए इस इमारत को बनवाया था । पास ही में बनी छोटीसी मस्जिद पर भी उसका नाम लिखा है।
       पर कहा तो ये भी जाता है की क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने क़ुतुब काम्प्लेक्स और उसके आस पास कोई भी इमारत नहीं बनवाई है। वो तो लाहौर में रहता था। क़ुतुब मीनार के सम्बन्ध में इतिहास में हुए कोई भी दस्तावेज़ नहीं मिलते है। 1852 में एक मुस्लिम पुरातत्त्ववेत्ता सईद अहमद खान ने एक पेपर में प्रदर्शन था। जिसमे ज़िक्र किया था की क़ुतुब मीनार एक हिन्दू इमारत है ।
       अब किसकी बात सच है, और किसकी नहीं ये तो हम नहीं कह सखते पर इन सरे तथ्यों को देखने के बाद मुझे तो यही  लगता है, की क़ुतुब मीनार एक हिन्दू द्वारा निर्मित  इमारत है ।
kkbhagat June 02, 2020
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