Believe in your dreams

We all have things that we believe for, dreams that we want to accomplish, and problems we're hoping will turn around. Maybe it's to see our family restored, or lose some weight, to break an addiction, to start our own business. But sometimes as it goes on, month after month, even year after year, we don't see anything changing. It's easy to get discouraged and think:

"This is never going to happen."

"This is as good as it gets. I'll just learn to live with it."

We all go through disappointments, setbacks, loss. Pain is a part of life. It's easy to get discouraged, even bitter, like:

"Why is this happening to me?"

Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense. The key is what we do in our times of pain. Pain will change us. Heartache, loss, disappointments. They don't leave us the same. Every painful time, even though you don't like it, it's developing something in you that can only be developed in the tough times. Eventually, that will pass. You'll get through it, but you will be different. In those tough times, when you are uncomfortable, going through a loss, dealing with an illness. You can easily let it overwhelm you. Now how the pain changes you is up to you. You can come out bitter or  you can come out better. You can come out defeated; giving up on your dreams or you can come out with a new passion, a new fire, excited about the new opportunities in front of you.
               I may not like it, but I'm not a whiner, I'm a warrior, I know I can handle this. Don't complain about the pain, without the pain we couldn't reach the fullness of our destinies. Sometimes we bring pain on ourselves: we make poor choices, get in a relationship we know it's not good or maybe get over our head in our spending. Now it's painful, we have to deal with the consequences. 
                All of us experience pain. My challenges don't just through it, grow through. That difficulty is an opportunity to get stronger, to develop character, to gain new confidence. Anybody can give up. Anybody can let it overwhelm you, but do you know what that's doing?  Wasting your pain. That pain is not there to stop you; it's there to prepare you, to increase you, to develop you. Difficulties are a part of life. Now quit telling yourself you can't take it. You're not weak, you are well able. Eventually the pain will pass. You'll get birth to new strength.  Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean that it's not going to happen.
                 There will always be forces trying to convince us to settle where we are. Life has a way of pushing our dreams down. They can become buried under discouragement, buried under past mistakes. There are dreams buried under divorce, buried under low self-esteem. It's easy to settle from mediocrity, even though we have all this potential buried on the inside. What are you remembering? The hurt, the pain, what didn't work out. Turn it around and remember you dream. 
                 Have you allowed any dreams to get buried in you? At one time, you believed you could do something great, you believed you could lead the company in sales; you believed you could break that addiction. There's been a long time. Had some bad breaks, wasn't your entire fault.  You could easily settle where you are. Nobody would fall to you. The enemy would love to deceive you into burying your dream, thinking thats never going to work out. Don't believe those lies. It's not too late to become all that you were created to be.
                 Every time you remember your dream, you're removing some dirt, you're digging it back out. The true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dream, instead of letting it get buried, you keep shaking it off. You keep moving forward. You wouldn't be having that opposition if you didn't have something great in you. If your dream wasn't alive and on track, right on schedule to come to pass, you wouldn't have so many things coming against you. That dream is still alive. You may have tried a year ago, 5 years ago or 40 years ago. Didn't work out? Nobody was there to help you? Go back and try again. This is your time. This is your moment. Your destiny is calling out to you. Can I tell you? Your dream is not dead; it's just not in season. Your time is coming, Promotion is coming, Good breaks are coming, Promises you've been standing on, Dreams you've been praying about. Lack is not your destiny. Constantly struggling, barely getting by, is not the end of your story. These light afflictions are for a moment. The adversity is temporary. The glory is eternal.
                 There are some dreams shut up in you. Like fire, you're going to feel your destiny calling out, May not happen the first time, the loan didn't go through, you didn't get chosen for the par. The medical report wasn't good, thats ok, and its still in you. This is your time. This is your moment. Shake off the doubt. Shake off the negativity. You're at the right place. You're at the right time. Now all you've got to do is get in the right frame of mind. I believe this is my year to get healthy and whole. This is my year to meet the people of my dreams. This is my year to go further in my career, to step into a new level of my destiny. This is my year to accomplish dreams, to break free from this depression. This is my year to meet the right people. This is my year to get healthy and whole .This is your year to see double. This is your year for vindication, for restoration, for new beginnings. Now gets your mind going in the right direction.

kkbhagat June 09, 2020
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If we don't learn from the hardest times in our lives, we will never be able to move past them.  If we don't learn the lesson, it’s almost certain history will repeat itself in some form. Whenever things don't go to plan, whenever life throws us challenges and hardship, there's always a hidden blessing and always a strong lesson.  it may not be our fault,  sometimes things happen that are completely out of our control,   but if we detach from the situation and look at it objectively we might be able to see an area where we could have done better,  an area where,  if we had done the ground work,  the impact would have been less damaging. Whatever happened whatever you're going through use it. Use it to develop yourself.  Use it to grow into a stronger human being.  Use it to help others who may be going through something equally as challenging.  Here are five lessons we must learn from the hardest times.

1. “Self-work, works”  during the hardest times we really see who has done the work on themselves and who hasn't.  Self-work doesn't guarantee negative things won't happen to you, but it ensures your response to those negative events will be far better than those who have not done the work.  During difficult moments it is more important than ever we react from a place of calm and clarity, not from fear or panic and that is where self-work comes in. Those who have done the daily work in meditation and mindful practice are in a better place to make better decisions; those who practice daily gratitude are in a better place to resist the surge of negative energy flowing around them.  Those who have done the work to learn and develop are far better position to make stronger moves in hard times.  If you haven't been doing that self-work, now would be a fantastic time to start. Don’t brush it off, don't sweep it under the rug if you're not in a good place right now and you haven't been doing the work that really matters.  Ask yourself if you want to continue living this way? Do you want to continue feeling these feelings throughout your life? What about the next time something happens, do you want to be in a stronger position mentally and emotionally? If so, commit to start that daily practice and commit to it today. Write down your no matter what practices. No matter what, each and every morning I will practice gratitude, meditation, reading something positive, and all the things that you know will make you a better, stronger and happier human being. Write it down now and promise yourself you will commit to it, so you never feel Low, no matter the season ever again.

2. “Some things and some people just aren't that important” hard times can be a blessing in so many ways.  One of those is noticing the things that we give too much space in our minds and emotions that were never really that important. We noticed those who are always there, those who really care and perhaps some who do not. We noticed those who make time for you no matter what and those who do not. Take a moment in silence to ask yourself, what has been consuming too much of my energy that really isn't that important.  Maybe it's time to make some changes to reduce or eliminate those things for a better quality of life.

3. “Some things and some people are that important” and we must show that we know this and appreciate this. In contrast to the previous point hard times can really jolt us into understanding what and who we really care about. Who do we turn to in hard times, who do we jump to protect, who would we do anything for no matter what storms are raging, who would do anything for us. What passions come out, what makes us better and stronger in these times, what makes us feel better no matter what is going on. These things matter, get quiet for a moment and ask you those questions. Trust the answer, maybe you need to tell those people they are important to you, that you are thankful for them. Maybe you need to make some changes in your life to lock in those things that are important. Replacing some of the things that are not.

4. “Things must change” this is a big one because during the hardest times we all know that things must change. But most people are not willing to make those changes poor habits,  fear and conditioning keeps us locked into the prison of the past, which only guarantees more of the same in the future,  nothing will change long-term unless you change everything that needs changing.  Expecting your circumstances to change when you don't is insanity.  Commit to the self-growth changes you can make to create the life, you must have commit to it now and commit to it as a daily practice. It has to be your new identity, the old you must die for the new you to be born.

5. “This too shall pass” it’s hard when you're going through stressful life-altering moments to hear this, but if you think back over your life and the lives of everyone you know, you know that everything passes.  Good times don't last forever and neither do hard times. Trust that this moment will pass, know that it will and start doing the inner work now so that no moment in time can alter your state. Do that work on you so no moment in time, no event, no circumstance can change how you feel about your life. Keep going and keep going with optimism and faith in your heart.

kkbhagat June 06, 2020
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Qutb Minar, Qutb-ud-din Aibak

आज हम बात करगे एक ऐसे इमारत के बारे में जिसे हम सदियों से एक इस्लामिक इमारत के तोर पे जानते है, पर इस इमारत को देख कर शुरु से ही इस्लामिक होने पर सवाल उठते आरहे है, हम बात कर रहे है विश्व के ऐतिहासिक धरोहरों मैं से एक क़ुतुब मीनार की, इससे UNESCO ने वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज घोषित किया है। इसके आस पास के परिसर को क़ुतुब काम्प्लेक्स कहते है, लकिन क़ुतुब मीनार की बनावट और संरचना को लेकर अक्सर विवाद होता रहे है। कहते है की दिल्ली के पहले मुस्लिम शासक क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने इससे बनवाना शुरु किया था, लकिन इसका आधार ही बनवाया था। फिर क़ुतुब-उद-दीन के उत्याधिकारी इल्तुतमिश ने इसकी  3 मंजिले बनवाई और 1369 में फ़िरोज़ शाह तुग़लक ने  पाचवी और अंतिम मंजिल बनवाई। लकिन इस इमारत की संरचना और दूसरे काम्प्लेक्स में बनी इमारतों को देखकर इसके शुरु से ही इस्लामिक होने पर सवाल उठते आये है । देखा जाये तो इसकी दीवारों पर अरबी में कुरान की आयते लिखी है, लकिन इसके पास में ही एक खंडरनुमा ढाचा है, जिसके ऊपर एक गुम्बबत बना हुआ है। लकिन इसके स्तंभ और उसके ऊपर बनी आकृतिया कुछ और ही कहानी कहती है । ऐसे स्तंभ और आकृतिया तो मंदिरों में बनाई जाती है धयान से देखा  जाये तो इसके खम्बो पर मंदिर में लगाने वाली घंटिय बनी है। पास में रखे एक पत्थर पर भगवान गणेश की प्रतिमा
जेसी आकृति भी दिखाई देती है, और ऐसा भी लगता है की इसे मिटने की भी कोशिश की गई है, लेकिन ये पूरी तरह मिट नहीं पाई और पास ही में रामायण में ज़िक्र किये गए युद्ध को दिखाया गया है। तो सवाल ये है की इस इस्लामिक काम्प्लेक्स में हिन्दू धर्म से जुडी चीजें क्यों मिल रही है ।
       ये तो बात थी क़ुतुब मीनार के आस पास के खंडरो की, लेकिन क़ुतुब मीनार की दीवारों पर भी घंटिय और जंजीर बन हुई है। ये घंटिय और जंजीरे इस काम्प्लेक्स में बनी आधूरी इमारतों की घंटियों और जंजीरों के जैसी ही दिखती है, और आप को बता दे की इस्लाम में घंटिया प्रतिबंधित होती है। मुहम्मद साहब ने कहा था की घंटी शैतान के संगीत का उपकरण है। ऐसे में सवाल उठता है की कोई भी मुस्लिम शासक ने अपने कारीगरों से घंटिय उकेरने को क्यों कहेगा।
      कहा जाता है की क़ुतुब मीनार को आजान के लिए बनाया गया था। आजान के लिए कोई इतनी उची इमारत क्यों बनवायेगा जहा चड़ने में 45 मिनट लग जाये और नचे तक आवाज़ भी न जाये क्योको 800 साल पहले तो स्पीकर भी नहीं होते थे। ऐसा माना जाता है की क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने अपना नाम अमर करने के लिए इस इमारत को बनवाया था । पास ही में बनी छोटीसी मस्जिद पर भी उसका नाम लिखा है।
       पर कहा तो ये भी जाता है की क़ुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक ने क़ुतुब काम्प्लेक्स और उसके आस पास कोई भी इमारत नहीं बनवाई है। वो तो लाहौर में रहता था। क़ुतुब मीनार के सम्बन्ध में इतिहास में हुए कोई भी दस्तावेज़ नहीं मिलते है। 1852 में एक मुस्लिम पुरातत्त्ववेत्ता सईद अहमद खान ने एक पेपर में प्रदर्शन था। जिसमे ज़िक्र किया था की क़ुतुब मीनार एक हिन्दू इमारत है ।
       अब किसकी बात सच है, और किसकी नहीं ये तो हम नहीं कह सखते पर इन सरे तथ्यों को देखने के बाद मुझे तो यही  लगता है, की क़ुतुब मीनार एक हिन्दू द्वारा निर्मित  इमारत है ।
kkbhagat June 02, 2020
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If you’re feeling low take a quick review of these 20 inspirational and spiritual quotes. These simple but powerful quotes will brighten up you even within the darkest day and hopefully bring you back to alignment together with your true nature which is joy and lightweightheartedness. Never forget that you become what you speak about and feel most often, so flood your mind with positive vibes and start right here with these 20 inspirational spiritual quotes.

Inspirational, motivational
1. “Create a life that feels good on the inside not just one that looks good on the outside”   if you want to feel truly rich look around you and count all of the things you have that money can't buy if you can breathe you can smile. So flood your mind with positive thoughts, because happiness is the most sought after currency on earth. 

There is nothing more important than this moment
2. “There is nothing more important than this moment”  living in the past creates anxiety,  living in the future creates fear of the unknown,  concentrate on living and enjoying the present moment if you want to live life to its fullest potential.

Follow your intuition it will always lead you to the right destination
3. “Follow your intuition it will always lead you to the right destination” put faith in your intuition and the universe will lead the way.

let your faith be bigger than your fears,  have faith success will be near
4. "let your faith be bigger than your fears,  have faith success will be near”  you can't see faith or fear but you can decide which one controls your life. 

No dream is too big when you understand abundance is your birthright
5. “No dream is too big when you understand abundance is your birthright” as Mark Twain said the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. 

Our future reality depends on what we do now in this present moment
6. “Our future reality depends on what we do now in this present moment” you are the architect of your own destiny, so make today count. 

You can join me when you are in alignment with me
7. “You can join me when you are in alignment with me” finding people that are in alignment with you is one of life's greatest treasures, if you haven't found them yet keep looking.

If your intention is powerful, your action will be powerful, if your action is powerful, your results will be powerful
8. “If your intention is powerful, your action will be powerful, if your action is powerful, your results will be powerful” powerful intentions create powerful results. 

Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere” Albert Einstein
9. "Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere” Albert Einstein.  To create the life you want you have to be able to see it first in your mind. No dream is too big, believe in your heart what you want will be yours.  Act as if it is already in its own will be.

I deserve to be rich, I deserve to be happy, I deserve peace, I deserve freedom
10. (Affirmation) “I deserve to be rich, I deserve to be happy, I deserve peace, I deserve freedom” affirmations are phone calls to the universe. The more you call, the more likely your call will be answered.

If you ever feel above or below anyone you are wrong
11. “If you ever feel above or below anyone you are wrong” the only time you shall look down on someone is, if you are helping them up no matter how much you achieve you are never above another. The higher you climb the more you can help others rise to your level.

I believe miracles are on the way, today, tomorrow every day
12. “I believe miracles are on the way, today, tomorrow every day” when you believe miracles are on the way, you will begin to manifest them.

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation,  but rather your thoughts about the situation
13. “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation,  but rather your thoughts about the situation”  at car towing  the mind is an amazing thing,  any situation no matter how good can be made unbearable by overwhelming negativity, realize that the answer to finding happiness is always in the thoughts you're holding in the present moment.

In any given moment we have two options to step forward into growth or to step back into safety
14. “In any given moment we have two options to step forward into growth or to step back into safety” Abraham Maslow.  Growth in life is choices Vitality, Positivity, Abundance they are all choices which option will you choose.
“Eliminate everything that doesn't help you evolve”
15. “Eliminate everything that doesn't help you evolve”  if you want something different you have to do something different, make hard decisions now so you can work towards the life you've always dreamed of. Choose only the people habits and beliefs that help you evolve and make those choices consistently.

Take time to do what makes your soul happy. Take time for you
16. “Take time to do what makes your soul happy. Take time for you” there is nothing of more importance in your life than to be consciously aware of, and make room for your happiness. Feel good first and the rest of your life will function at a higher level, including all your relationships and your results.

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know
17. “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know” Pema Chodron. If you want to move on realize what the universe is trying to tell you, no challenge was sent to break you, most often they were sent to make you better stronger wiser.  Learn the lesson understand the blessing and move forward.

The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation
18. “The greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation” realize deeply that everything in the universe is connected; sadness and feelings of separation are symptoms of a negative mind. Positivity will always manifest a more positive experience of reality and a deeper filling of connection.

You are not in the universe you are the universe Eckhart Tolle
19. “You are not in the universe you are the universe” Eckhart Tolle. You are literally made of Stardust, a walking miracle. Would you be happy if you won the lottery the miracle of life, we so easily take for granted is equal to winning the lottery every single day. Tell someone you won the lottery see the reaction that is the answer to the happiness you seek.

“When you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you” Lao Tzu
20. “When you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you” Lao Tzu. If you want to see how rich you truly are, you just have to look in the mirror you are indeed a miracle and once you realize that there is no lack.

kkbhagat May 30, 2020
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      India is better known as the land of diversity. It is also a place where religions acquire more importance. All though we are moving towards modernism still a culture, rituals, religion are well preserved. Many Ancient temples are still standing to tell the sagas of Indians rich religious heritage. Some of these temples continue to function and are among the richest temples in India. Few in the category of the richest temple are not old, but due to great followers of devotees they are on this list. So let’s take a look at 5 richest temple of India. 

5. Siddhivinayak Mumbai- visitor arrive here in numbers ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 per day. Lord Genesha is sighting under the golden roof, and the temple has accumulated 158 kg of gold offerings,    Worth 67 million dollars so far. Which make Mumbai richest temple collect around 2.2 million dollar collect per year. The heavily guarded vaults here are strictly off limits. The temple is also frequently visited by celebrity around the world. Apple CEO Tim Cook is the latest edition to the list.

4. Vaishno devi temple-  The Vaishno devi temple is one of the richest temple in India, Visited by millions of devotee from around the world. The sacred shrine of the goddess Vaishno devi attracts a large no. of pilgrims every year. It the center of deeply rooted Hindu religious believes with an annual income of around 7 million dollar. About 8 million pilgrims arrives at this temple which makes it the 2nd most visited temple in India after Tirupati .

3. Sai baba temple shirdi - Sai baba of shirdi has millions of followers around the world and he known for helping those in need. Suppository there was a collection of over rupee 2000 crores for the temple. According to report the temple’s bank account has about rupee 1.8 billion, plus 380 kg of gold,  4428  kg of silver and a large amount of money in the form of dollars and pounds. The incredible no. mentions above about make the temple a worthy candidate on the list of the richest temple in India.

2. Venkateshwara temple tirupati – The Venkateshwara temple is visited daily by 50,000 to 1 lakh people and no. rises to 5 lakhs during festivals and specials occasions. With so many devotees paying tribute daily it shouldn’t surprise us that the temple receives large amount of donations. The Tirumala temple has gold reserves  as 52 tons of gold ornaments including ancient gold ornaments and vessels of deities  donated by kings for more than 1000 years’ worth more than 20 billion dollar. According to an estimate most recent each year it convert more than 3000 kg of gold received in pilgrimages or handi donation box as gold reserve deposit in  nationalize bank. It’s the richest temple our country has got and tirupati temple gets his annual donation of 650 crores and alone make 11 million dollar for selling laddus.

1. Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple Trivandrum  –  Padmanabhaswamy temple is not only the richest temple of India, but also the richest in the world. The temple is built in the Dravidian style architecture which is prevalent in southern India. The temple is delectated to lord Vishnu, it was discovered that the recently opened temple walls were flooded with gold silver and diamonds. Some people estimated that the value of the treasure is worth 1 trillion dollars this puts the temple far ahead of any other temple in the world and there is a very small possibility that any temple can match the amount of money it has.   

kkbhagat May 27, 2020
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Each of us develops in certain ways like all other individuals, like some other individuals, and like no other individuals. Most of the time, our attention is directed to a person's uniqueness, but psychologists who study development are drawn to ours hared characteristics as well as what makes us unique. As humans, we all have traveled some common paths. Each of us-Leonardo da Vinci, Joan of Arc, George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr., and you walked at about the age of 1, engaged in fantasy play as a young child, and became more independent as a youth What shapes this common path of human development, and what are its milestones?

Biological, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Processes

The pattern of human development is created by the interplay of several processes biological cognitive, and socioemotional. 

Biological processes produce changes in an individual's body. Genes inherited from parents, the development of the brain, height and weight gains, motor skills, and the hormonal changes of puberty all reflect the role of biological processes in development.

Cognitive processes refer to changes in an individual's thought, intelligence, and language. The tasks of watching a mobile swinging above a crib, putting together a two-word sentence, memorizing a poem, solving a math problem, and imagining what it would be like to be a movie star all involve cognitive processes.

Socioemotional processes involve changes in an individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality. An infant's smile in response to her mother's touch, a young boy's attack on a playmate, a girl's development of assertiveness, and an adolescent's joy at the senior prom all reflect socioemotional development.

       Biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes are intricately intertwined. Consider a baby smiling in response to its mother's touch. Even this simple response depends on biological processes (the physical nature of the touch and responsiveness to it), cognitive processes (the ability to understand intentional acts), and socioemotional processes (smiling often reflects positive emotion and smiling helps to connect infants with other human beings).

Periods of Development

For the purposes of organization and understanding, a child's development is commonly described in terms of periods, which are given approximate age ranges. The most widely used classification of developmental periods describes a child's development in terms of the following sequence: the prenatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, and adolescence.
       The prenatal period is the time from conception to birth, roughly a nine-month period. During this amazing time a single cell grows into an organism, complete with a brain and behavioral capabilities.

Infancy is the developmental period that extends from birth to about 18 to 24 months of age. Infancy is a time of extreme dependence on adults. Many psychological activities are just beginning--the ability to speak, to coordinate sensations and physical actions to think with symbols, and to imitate and learn from others.

Early childhood is the developmental period that extends from the end of infancy to about 5 to 6 years of age; sometimes this period is called the preschool years. During this time, young children learn to become more self-sufficient and to care for themselves, they develop school readiness skills (following instructions, identifying letters), and they spend many hours in play and with peers. First grade typically marks the end of this period.

Middle and late childhood is the developmental period that extends from about 6 to 11 years of age; sometimes this period is referred to as the elementary school years. Children master the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and they are formally exposed to the larger world and its culture. Achievement becomes a more central theme of the child's world, and self-control increases.

Adolescence is the developmental period of transition from childhood to early adulthood, entered at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ending at 18 to 22 years of age. Adolescence begins with rapid physical changes dramatic gains in height and weight; changes in body contour; and the development of sexual characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts, development of pubic and facial hair, and deepening of the voice. The pursuit of independence and an identity are prominent features of this period of development. More and more time is spent outside of the family. Thought becomes more abstract, idealistic and logical.

        Today, developmentalists do not believe that change ends with adolescence. They describe development as a lifelong process. However, the purpose of this text is to describe the changes in development that take place from conception through adolescence. 
kkbhagat May 27, 2020
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Are you an introvert

So, let's get started.

The most common definition of an introvert is  a person who gains energy from  being alone and loses energy in social situations with other people.
            whether you're an introvert or an extrovert it can be seen as a spectrum, and this means that there are different degrees of your personality type. "Very rarely a person is 100% an introvert or completely an extrovert we have a certain level of both sides with one personality being more dominant than the other", So how do you know if you or someone you know is an introvert. 

1. Tired from too much active time- After spending time with other people for too long you start  to shut down by feeling tired and exhausted and that's probably your way of maintaining your energy because it's getting low. 

2. Enjoy time alone- You like spending quality time alone to recharge your batteries to gain energy, for example: you get relieved when  ever your plan for Friday evening plans cancels and that means getting more time for yourself watching movies , YouTube or reading blogs like you're doing right now and you truly  enjoy it. 

3. Constant inner monologue- Instead of just saying what's on your mind out loud before you even thought it, through you think a lot before you speak every second that you're not having a conversation with another person or not busy with a task. You have a voice inside your head that is always talking, sometimes you can even practice how you're going to answer a certain question what you will say in a phone call, and there are times you've made up a discussion in your head where you practice your arguments even if there's arguments are rarely happen in real life.

4. You Write-  Introverts often express themselves best in written words, you are the most creative, and write best when you get to be completely alone with your own thoughts.

5. Obesrver-  you're a great observer as an introvert and you can get easily distracted and drained on energy when too much is going on around you. However a benefit with being highly sensitive is that you're a great observer and good at seeing details that other people may not even notice.

6. Feel alone in a crowd- Have you ever felt alone or left out while you were in the middle of a social event or group activity, even with people you know. This can be sign that you're an introvert.

7. Dislike small talk- This does not mean that introverts have a hard time talking or that they are antisocial. The reason that they don't enjoy small talk is because they don't have any need for it, they just get more drained after participating in it . Introverts see small talk as unnecessary and perhaps even a bit superficial because it just feels wrong and faked. Introverts would rather skip that part and dive directly in the deeper conversation about topic they are  actually interested in.

8. Avoid social events- You try to avoid social event as an introvert. You sometimes have to pretend to be busys, so you don't have to go to social events.     

9. Others think your are shy/lonely- People have told you to get out of your shell and stop being so shy, they try to push you to take more space and be yourself more. However, quiet does not mean shy and alone did not mean lonely. Some people tend to forget that so by reminding them of that you are an introvert you can help them to understand you and your choices more. 

10. Small friend group- You have a small group of friend instead of having a big number of friends. You choose to have few close friends that you know really well. So for you quality is more important than quantity. 

You can relate to any of these signs, if you are an introvert or if you know someone who is an introvert.
kkbhagat May 26, 2020
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Observation in General psychology

A hungry cat was put in a cage with food outside to determine how the cat learnt to come out of the cage. As the cat was hungry it tried to come out of the cage. Sometimes it tried to break the bars and other times it fought with the door. Thus after trying for a long times it pressed, by chance, the button and thereby opened the door and came out. Now the cat was again put in the cage and it again tried to come out of it. This time it took less times to open it. This process was repeated again and again, and every time the cat took less time to come out of it till it mastered the trick to press the button and to open the cage. In this process it was clearly seen that there was a gradual elimination of the chances of error. The cat began its act blindly and by change arrived at the successful action. This successful action was led by several right reactions. Gradually, the wrong reactions were eliminated and right ones established so that the cat learnt the trick to come out of the cage. Thus it was concluded that the cat learnt through the method of trial and error. This conclusion was drawn through the observation of the cat's behaviour.

Observation in Child psychology

Every one knows that a bad environment had bad effect on the child. This, however, cannot be determined by actually placing a child in a bad environment. Which environmental factor effects evil character in the child, cannot be determined by placing him under the influence of the factor. Hence, experimental method cannot work in this case. The child himself cannot be asked about his experience in a certain environment because he cannot analyse his own experiences. Hence the introspection method is also useless. Thus in cases like this in child psychology, it is only the observation method which can be helpful. The effect of the absence of parents on the child's development of can be ditermined only through the observation of the development of orphans.

Observation in Social psychology

Every society has got some taboos regarding the sex behaviour. The taboosi Influence the development of males and females in a particular society. What shall be the influence of human development if all these taboos are removed ? This cannot be known by actually abolishing all the taboos since that will lead to disorganisation of society. This phenomena can be examined only by observation of the development of persons in the societies where there are very few or almost no taboos on sex activities. Similarly, facts regarding an insane and mentally abnormal person cannot be determined either by introspection or through experiment. In such cases it is the method of observation alone which is serviceable.

Steps in observation method

The above mentioned examples regarding the observation method exhibits some of its particular traits, Roughly speaking, variouss steps in the method of observation are as follows:

(1) Observation of behaviour - The first step in observation method is the observation of behaviour. Observation literally means the examination or perception of some behaviour or processes. In observation every thing or phenomenon is directly perceived, e.g, the psychologist perceives the behaviour of the animals. If someone has to study the social behaviour of monkeys, he should go where the monkeys are assembled and observe their behaviour.

(2) Noting of behaviour - Observation in psychology is a scientific method. Here it is not sufficient to perceive a certain behaviour and to remember it. The observation, on the other hand, should be carefully noted down. In the example of the study of the social behaviour of the monkeys, the observer should carefully note down their various activities.

(3) Interpretation and analysis of behaviour - The third step in the method of observation is the interpretation and analysis of behaviour. If the behaviour is noted, it can be analysed at rest and the causes underlying it can be clarified. The movements of hands and legs, the sound, the gestures and other external activities express the internal condition of the person. In the case of animals their mental conditions are inferred from their external activities. The basis of this interference is not the experience of the psychologist himself, but the behaviour of other animals and his own insight into animal psychology Thus the behaviour is interpreted on the basis of analysis and inference.

(4) Generalisation - The fourth step in observation method is generalisation. Scientific principles are based upon generalisation. Psychology is a science,hence its principles are also of the same nature. In observation as a method of psychology, the purpose is to find out general principles. In the example of the social behaviour of monkeys, various psychologists will observe their behaviour, note it, analyse it, interpret it and finally find out general principles through generalisation.

Difficulties in this method

Like other methods of psychology, the observation method has also some defects or difficulties. The main difficulties are as follows:

(1) influence of personal interest - In the observation method the psychologist himself observes, hence it is more likely that his personal interest should also influence his observation. In the example of the observation of the social behaviour in monkeys, if a psychologist has an excessive interest in sex behaviour, he will mainly attend to their sex activities and conceive them as more general than they actually are. Along with observation the personal interest also influences his interpretation. An excessively sexual person often interprets non-sexual behaviour of others as sexual. A wicked man find some wicked purpose even behind the sympatheticn action of others. A religious man would interpret even the sexual behaviour of others as pure and religious. Thus the behaviour is interpreted wrongly due to personal interests and attitudes. In the study of child, insane and the mentally abnormal person, this difficulty is very much observed, because there is much difference in the mental activities of these persons and those of the psychologists.
     The above mentioned difficulty in observation method is undoubtedly real, but it can be removed through scientific detachment. The mental conditions of the others can be understood through constructive imagination. It is true that few have scientific detachment and constructive imagination, but these can be developed through long practice and training.

(2) The possibilities of bias - According to the personal views and tendencies of the psychologists, there is a possibility of bias and prejudice in the interpretation of behaviour,e.g., in the countries where prejudices based on colour are largely prevalent, the white psychologists seldom find good or higher traits in the behaviour of black subjects.

Indispensability of this method

But inspite of the above mentioned limitations and difficulties in the method of observation, it is indispensable in psychology. As has already been pointed out, in many cases other methods are entirely useless and only the observation method works. In fact behaviour requires training and practice to observe correctly and accurately. The observer should first analyse his own tendencies and remove pre-conceptions, prejudices, attachments and develop scientific detachment. Many of things will be left without observation in the beginning or will be wrongly observed, but practice will make observation more accurate. It is experience which makes observation scientific. The expert psychologist can train newcomers in observation. The personal bias, prejudice and errors can be removed by comparison of the notes of several psychologists and through mutual discussion.

kkbhagat May 25, 2020
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The HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft developed by indian programme. The plane is designed by indian Aeronautical Development Agency(ADA)


Tejas Mark-II is a single-engine, delta wing, multirole fighter designed by the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian Air Force (IAF)


Brahma II is a cruise missile with a range of 450-600 km, and maximum speed is Mach 7 (8,575 km/h; 5,328 mph)

  • AGNI - VI

Agni-VI is an intercontinental ballistic missile being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO) for the Strategic Forces Command of Indian Armed Forces. 

Range- 11000-12000 kilometers


It is nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine built by India. It is being built under the Advanced Technology Vessel project to build nuclear submarines at the Ship Building Centre in Visakhapatnam.


Ghatak is an autonomous stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation for the Indian Air Force.[3][4] The design work on the UCAV is to be carried out by Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA)


INS Vishal, also known as Indigenous Aircraft Carrier 2 (IAC-2), is a planned aircraft carrier to be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited for the Indian Navy. It is intended to be the second aircraft carrier to be built in India after INS Vikrant (IAC-1).


Project 18 class Destroyer will be equipped with advanced system such as electromagnetic railguns, laser-based close-up weapon system, advanced AESA and PESA radars, active and passive array sonars.
kkbhagat May 25, 2020
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Psychology today is widely used for the cure of various types of abnormalities. The parents as well as the teachers to day seek the guidance from the psychologist in their dealing with the children and students. They complain of the abnormality of the children or students, to the psychologist who with their help finds out the causes and tries to remove them. Thus to-day one finds a flourishing branch of psychology in the form of abnormal psychology. In the Western countries the frequency of nervous diseases is gradually growing as the rush of life is ncreasing with industrialisation and urbanisation. This has increased the necessity of abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology and psychiatry use a certain method known as case history in their study of abnormal cases. As is clear by the name of the method, in this method the psychologist traces the whole history of the case. The tracing of the history requires not only the statement of history by the patient, but also whatever can be gathered from his relatives. The psychologist interviews all the near relatives of the patient and also his friends. By this interview much is known about the habits, routine thinking, nature etc., besides the various incidents of the life of the patient. This interview also makes the psychologist know the various types of relations which the patient has with different persons Again, the patient is asked to relate his life history so far as he can remember. He is also asked to relate his dreams etc and they are interpreted by the psychologist as long as they give an idea about the infantile life of the patient. All the data gathered through the patient as well as those related to him in some way give an outline of the history of his case. By the analysis of this history the psychologist tries to find out the causes of the abnormality. Suppose a child whose behaviour is not normal or who has run away from the school several times, is taken to the psychologist. The child is ill-mannered and bad tempered. He does not bother about punishment on dictacts of the elders. The psychologist interview the parents and other relatives of the child and tries to know his case history. He takes the child with him into a room and sympathetically tries to know vanous thing about his life. In short, be enquires about everything concerning the child and his relations with other. An analysis of all this data gives an idea about the cause of absormality, trancy or bad manners. If the causes are discovered, the parents and teachers are guided accordingly and the malady is removed.

Example of a case history

     An example from the report by Katherine M Mourer known as a Behaviour problem in a Young Child will give an idea as to how the clinical psychologists use the case history method:

The case
            Lousy was 3 years and 9 months She was very obstinate and short tempered. From an interview with her parents it was learnt that the father and mother held each other responsible for bringing up the child as emotional and unbalanced. Then they were interviewed separately. An aunt of Lousy and a nursery teacher were also interviewed. In the interview Lousy's mother described her family back ground. She told that Lousy was born normally and that her mother-in-law did not take part in the household work but remained with Lousy for hours. Lousy had acute constipation. She had occasional fits in which she lay down on the ground, cried and attacked others. Lonsy's mother did not want to disclose her marital adjustment. Her mother in law severely criticised her friends, her household management and her behaviour towards Lousy. 

The facts
          Lous's problem began at the age of 2. At the age of 3 she liked to hear stories instead of playing with the children of her age. While among other children she quarreled with them. She liked to live with her father and go for walks with him, though when angry she did not spare even
her father. Once when her father did not hear her, she bit him in the leg.
          An interview with her father disclosed that he was proud of Lousy. He thought her to be very intelligent and described how Lousy paid attention to him and worked like an adult woman. He expressed doubt in Lousy's happiness and that perhaps she never felt secure.
    A physical examination of Lousy disclosed that except some weight she had no physical abnormality. According to doctor, constipation was due to wrong habits of diel. Sucking the thumbs, biting all the nails and turning the hair was clearly observed. When her father hrough her to the psychologist, she appeared to be attractive, modest and feminine. When her mother brought her she appeared to be abstinate and manageable Sometimes she struggled and quarreled and lay down on the ground and cried when requested by the mother to wear the coal Psychological tests showed that she commanded a vocabulary found in 1 child of 8 years and that she was more intelligent than the average. The powers of language were far more developed than the physical powers. 

The diagonsis
The clinical psychologist came to the following conclusions about Lousy's abnormal behaviour:
   She was a very well developed and brilliant child with an attractive personality. She was used to close attention and company of the adults and her daily routine was extremely unsystematic, resulting in fatigue. This resulted in the absence of harmony in the parent child relationship. She did not get opportunity of adjustment with the children of her age. Her intellect was too much developed because of absence of variety of experience. Her capacity did not develop harmoniously and her word powers were excessively developed beyond motor capacity. She understood her weakness which made her adjustment on child's level still more difficult. She appeared to be an extremely fatigued small child tyrant who did not get emotional contentment from the mother and was emotionally introvert and dependent on her father.

Recommendation of the psychologist
The psychologist mainly recommended the following things for her
      Friendly relation with mother should be established and her life at home should be re-organised. She must get more sleep, balanced diet and should play with children of her age. In evening she must be attended by some members of the family mother, father or grandmother. The mother should feel that she is responsible for the progress of the child. But father and mother-in-law were also told that they should change their routine in order to make relation of mother and Lousy better. The child was admitted into a nursery school and arrangements were made between the school and clinic so that she might not be turned out of the school before she could be reformed. In the beginning, Lousy felt it difficult to adjust herself to the nursery school. But after some years, it was found that Lousy was far more brilliant than children of her age in studies as well as scouting etc. But she could not overcome her early weakness which lay in lack of affection for the mother and excessive attachment to daddy. At 15 years of age, she was a beautiful girl who appeared to be very able and behaved with balance. She had no nervous habits. According to her own report her greatest happiness was to work with daddy. The man whom she dreamt to marry was exactly like daddy.
      The example cited above shows very well the problem, the procedure and the work of clinical psychology with the aid of the case history method.

Limitations  of cast history method
         Like other methods in psychology, case history method has also its own difficulties and limitations. One of the limitations is that it is very difficult to know the whole history of any patient and to observe it objectively. It is possible that while relatives are interviewed they may be prejudiced in their answers or try to hide something unpleasant. In the case of the children, it is difficult to know their history through them, because their memory is neither strong nor reliable and the psychologist has to depend upon the reports of the relatives. It is possible that the parents do not observe something about the history of the child which is very important for the case. These and other limitations make it difficult for the clinical psychologist to arrive at a proper diagnosis. In the case of the adults, abnormals etc., however, the psychologist gets the data of their dreams, analyses them and finds out some unconscious causes. He may also ask the patient to explain things about his childhood and tell psychologist his history. The psychologist may question him from time to time and can get much out of his statements. Thus in the case of abnormals, the difficulties are less than those in the case of the child. This, however, does not mean absence of difficulties and limitations which are always there. But in the ultimate analysis the case history method has proved to be very valuable for the diagnosis of mental abnormalities. As a matter of fact it all depends upon the experience and ability of the psychologist as to how far he is able to gather a history and analyse it to find real causes. A psychologist like Sigmund Freud can very well make use of a case history to discover the causes of the most complex type of abnormality.
kkbhagat May 24, 2020
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Introspection is one of the most important methods of psychology. The psycho-analysis school has widely utilised this method. But the behaviourists are vehemently opposed to it. Watson, the founder of the school of behaviourism, was absolutely opposed to this method. As he said, "Introspection forms no essential part of its (of psychology) method nor is the scientific value of data dependent upon introspection in terms of consciousnes." This criticism of introspection has however not been accepted by the most of the modern psychologists, Woodworth and others have defended introspection method with laborato argument. But to assess the real value of this particular method and to find out of its limitation, it is necessary to examine is uses and limitations.

Nature of Introspection

To introspect means to look within. Thus introspection is an internal perception. In it the psychologist himself observes his internal activities and process. This method is indispensable in the description of individual experiences, e.g., man goes to see a picture andr returns after seeing it, it is only through introspection thath he can tell others how he feels about it. It is said that the advent of youth changes the behaviour, mental conditions and the psychological processes oft the individual. But how a young man feels is only a matter of introsperion and can be explained only by him who has passed through this site. This in the field of feelings, emotions, sentiments, prejudices and various types of internal experiences, eg. love hate, pleasure pain, fear, memory, thought and effort etc. a man can know them only by introspective analysis No man can know another by the observation of his overt behaviour. The pangs of separation from someone dear to us is not a matter of understanding or logic or observation, but purely of introspection. Thus introspection is indispensable for the study of internal behaviour.

Need of Introspection

Psychology not only studies the covert behaviour, but also the internal processes. It is the science of behaviour. Behaviour, as it is taken today, includes the internal experiences as well. These internal experiences can not be known by external observation. They can be known only through introspection by the subject himself. In introspection the individual himself systematically observes his inner mental processes and feelings. For this purpose the observer cannot take the help of an instrument or the observations of another person. The observer can introspect his mental processes wherever and whenever he likes to do so. Thus the method of introspection has been proved to be very valuable in the field of psychology. Introspection is a unique method of psychology. It is not found in other sciences, physical or social. In spite of what the behaviourists say against it, psychology cannot dispense with introspection.

Limitations  of introspection

Introspection has its own limitations peculiar to itself. Its limitations are as follows:

1. It is truly said that the mental processes can not be directly observed through introspection. But this data cannot be the basis of generalisation since it is not necessary that the experience of other persons should be identical with that of the observer.

2. By introspection one cannot know the experience of others and so cannot compare one's own experience with it. Other's experiences can only be known through observation or experiments. Hence, introspection alone is neither sufficient nor the most important method of psychology, Observations and experiments are definitely more valuable and important methods of psychology.

Difficulties in introspection

        Every method has its own difficulties particular to itself. The method of introspection has also its own difficulties. The following are some of the main difficulties of the method.

(1) It is difficult to attend the mental processes - There is difference between the perception of the object and the observation of the mental processes. The objects are material and concrete while the mental processes are psychic and abstract. Hence, it is not easy to know mental processes. One cannot observe them without much effort and concentration, and concentration is a difficult feal. Thus observation of the mental processes through introspection is a difficult effort.              But this difficulty in introspection is not insurmountable. Introspection undoubtedly requires more concentration and the newcomer has only a few chances of success in it. But this difficulty can be removed by adequate practice and training. As a matter of fact introspection requires long training. Training and practice improves the capacity for abstraction and concentration. It makes introspection more valid.

(2) It is difficult to grasp mental processes - Mental processes are changeable. The thoughts, feeling, desires etc. are constantly changing. But observation requires a fixed object. It is only then that one can easily observe the external objects. But as soon as one attended to the mental process, they disappear. Then how can they be observed? If a psychologist wants to know his mental state in fear, it is likely that the fear may disappear as soon as he looks at it or introspects.
        This difficulty in introspection is really valid to some extent, but it can be removed with the help of memory. In the example of fear it is a fact that it disappears as soon we attend to it, but the feeling, in the state of fear can be recalled with the help of memory and analysis. By practice and sufficient training, even the changing mental processes can be grasped. Besides, various observers can co-ordinate their observation and thus arrive at some general conclusions. A psychologist may introspect his own in the state of fear and other psychologists may also do the same. Now these statements may be gathered together and compared leaving the uncommon clements, and generalisation can be made on the basis of the common findings. Thus memory, mental alertness and the comparison of the changing mental processes during introspection.

(3) Many psychologists cannot study the same mental state - Another difficulty which has been pointed out against introspection is that many psychologists can study similar mental processes but not the same, eg, in the case of fear, every individual psychologist will study only his own personal experience of fear. How can any one arrive at some general principles by different individual psychologists? Such a description will not be the study of fear as a general state but a collection of the experience of fear in different individuals.
     But a careful observation of this difficulty will make it clear that it is right to say that many persons cannot observe the same mental state, but generalisation in science depends on the common clement found in different phenomena of the same species. Uniformity of human psychology is a postulate on which the entire edifice of psychology as a science has been built up. It is a fact that no two men are the same and yet there are laws universally applicable to all human beings. It is for this reason that the results of the experiments done on Germans are equally applicable to Americans. Thus it is clear that the foregoing difficulty is not genuine.

(4) In introspection the mind is divided - Another argument against introspection is that in it the same man is the observer as well as observed and so he is divided into two parts since mind cannot look to itself without such division. It is on the basis of this argument that Comte has rejected introspection as impossible.
       But practically this objection seems to be baseless. In practice we do experience the inner states of fear,curiosity and lust etc. A man says that he feels fear, another says that he feels pain. In both these states, these men are observing their mental process. As a matter of fact, self consciousness is a characteristic of the human mind. We are self-conscious and we know that we are self conscious. This fact may not be proved by logic, but it is amply demonstrated in experience. Direct experience is self-evident and it requires no logical proof for its validity. Just as we can observe things outside us similarly, though not exactly we can observe our internal experience as well. This observation can be
made more exact with practice and training.

(5) It is impossible to observe the object and the mental process at the same time - In introspection sometimes one has to observe a mental state which is the result of some external object. As Stout point out, "If a man observes the object of perception he will have to attend the object of perception as well as the activity of perceiving it." In this situation the difficulty is that if one attends the object, he cannot attend the mental state and vice versa. Hence, introspection is impossible in such situations.
    The argument against introspection method is valid to some extent because mind can attend one thing at a time, but even this difficulty can be removed by certain measures. One way is the rapid oscillation of the attention between the object and the mental state so that both may be observed continually, if not simultaneously. Another way is to attend the object with the aid of memory and to remember the mental state in such attention.

(6) The knowledge of introspection is subjective and personal -- Another argument against introspection is that knowledge gained by it is subjective and personal. Hence the introspective data cannot be the basis of scientific principles. This difficulty, however can be removed on the one hand by training and practice and on the other by collaboration of different psychologists in a
particular study. These efforts will remove the subjective and personal elements from psychological data. The critical analysis of the different difficulties pointed out against introspection make it amply clear that it is a useful method in psychology and can be made still more useful. But this should make one forget the limitations of this method. In many situations introspection method is entirely useless, e.g., in the study of the psychology of the children, insane and abnormal, patients and animals, the method of introspection cannot be used. It is clear that here other methods, particularly those of observation and experiment are useful. Introspection is an indispensable method in psychology, but modern psychology uses it only sparingly since its results are not so exact and verifiable as those gained by other methods. The method of introspection has its own limits and is less factual than others. But not only from the historical point of view,from the practical point of view also,introspection method cannot be eliminated from the field of psychology. Its value stands unquestioned in its own field.

kkbhagat May 24, 2020
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